

J.K. Beugelink is an experienced registration consultant offering consultancy services, among others in the field of writing registration dossiers.

Up till now J.K. Beugelink has contributed significantly to about 680 successful registrations of more than 100 Medicinal Products by means of writing services. Dossier parts written by J.K. Beugelink have been used succesfully in National, MRP and DCP procedures.

J.K. Beugelink has assisted in the registration of medicinal products for 20 applicants up till now. For 1 private client applicant  as many as 17 medicinal products have been registered by means of successful registration procedures in which J.K. Beugelink had performed writing/translating services.

Of  680 successful registrations 65 were human registrations and  about 615 were veterinary registrations. 

In >60 countries (26 EU countries and >34 non-EU countries) products have been succesfully registered wherein J.K. Beugelink was involved in the registration dossier.

The medicines registered comprised many active substances and several therapeutic groups.

In 42 EU procedures (MRP and DCP) the Netherlands was 24 times the Reference Member State (RMS), Germany 10 times, The UK 3 times, Denmark 2 times, France 2 times and Sweden 1 time.